Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market
The mission of the Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market (SVCFM) is to provide a venue for certified farmers to market their agricultural products directly to consumers.
SVCFM has been serving local community members with fresh produce, locally made processed products, baked goods, and crafts since 1985.
The market is located in the Arnold Field parking lot at 241 West First Street, Sonoma, CA, 94999 and operates year round on Fridays from 9:00am-12:30pm.
For the health and safety of market visitors, the Farmers' Market management carefully obeys the Rules and Regulations of the State of California for Certified Farmers' Markets, the Sonoma County Agricultural Department, and Sonoma County Food Services.
Our next board meeting will be held on 2/20/22. For Inquiries please contact the Market Manager at 707-538-7023.